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Pack Like a Pro: Your Essential Guide to Conquering Cinque Terre's Trails 


Cinque Terre is a stunning region located on the Ligurian coast of Italy. Known for its five picturesque villages, this area is a popular destination for hikers looking to explore the breathtaking natural beauty of the Italian Riviera. With its rugged coastline and scenic trails, Cinque Terre is a dream destination for outdoor enthusiasts, but packing for a hiking trip can be overwhelming, especially if it's your first time. Here's a comprehensive guide to help you pack like a pro and make the most of your hiking adventure in Cinque Terre.


Pic of hikers (generic site pic)


Hiking shoes

No one's getting blisters on my watch. You're in luck. I'm kind of a pro at this.


Invest in a good pair of hiking shoes that are comfortable, durable, and provide good traction on rough terrain, and go for long walks in them before traveling. If you have weak ankles, your shoes should have ankle support, especially if you're planning to hike steep trails. If you are young with good ankles, you might be fine in trail runners. Breaking new shoes in before your trip will help you avoid blisters and discomfort on the trail. 



A lightweight daypack is essential for carrying your water, snacks, camera, and other essentials while hiking. Choose a pack that fits comfortably and has enough space to carry your gear. You do not need more than 20L for a pack that can hold a rain jacket, a note book, your phone charger when you battery gets low because of all the stunning pics your taking, and a water bottle.



Water bottle

Staying hydrated is crucial while hiking, so make sure you bring a refillable water bottle. It's also environmentally friendly and cost-effective. An Off-Roads Scholar one is included when you sign up for one of our trips!



Even in autumn, the Mediterranean sun can be intense, so protect your skin by packing a good sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30. Reapply every few hours to ensure maximum protection.


Hat and sunglasses

A hat and sunglasses are essential for protecting your face and eyes from the sun. Opt for a wide-brimmed hat that covers your face and neck, and sunglasses that provide good UV protection.



Hiking burns a lot of calories, so make sure you bring plenty of snacks to keep your energy levels up. You don't need to bring this from home.  You will find a lot of good things to hike with in Italy, a food lover's paradise.


Rain Jacket

The weather in Cinque Terre can be unpredictable, so pack a lightweight rain jacket to stay dry if it rains. Look for a jacket that's waterproof and breathable to ensure maximum comfort.


First Aid Kit

Accidents happen, so it's always a good idea to pack a basic first aid kit with essentials like bandages, antiseptic wipes, and pain relievers.  You don't need anything huge, but I never recommend going on a day hike without the basics.


Maps and guidebooks

Off Road Scholars will provide you with a choice of daily itineraries as Cinque Terre has a network of hiking trails that can be confusing, but if you are like me, you might want to take an even different itinerary than suggested, and you should. This is your once-in-a-lifetime trip!  So bring a map or guidebook to help you navigate. You can't get lost-lost because you're not in the wilderness and all that trails connect to towns and all the towns are on the train circuit, but if you go this blind, you could end up walking more than planned and tucker yourself out. So be prepared if you want to do your own thing. You can download hiking apps like AllTrails or Maps.Me to your phone. These work great in Europe and both have options for when you are offline, although you usually can find a free wifi spot at a cafe and screenshot what you need.


Adapter for Electronics

If you live in North America, plugs of your phone, FitBit, smart watch, or tablet won't fit in a European outlet, so don't forget an adapter.  This is the one I use.  It comes in bright colors, making me less likely to forget it!



Last but not least, don't forget your camera or smartphone to capture the stunning scenery and memories of your trip. And I recommend a charger because I drain my battery taking pics and vids on my hikes.


In conclusion, packing for a hiking trip in Cinque Terre in far from daunting. With this essential packing list, you can make sure you have everything you need for a safe and enjoyable hiking adventure. Remember to pack smart, dress in layers, and respect the natural environment. Happy hiking!

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